About The Ethiopian Deaf Project

Ambo Deaf Project

Charity number CHY17070

The deaf children in Ethiopia , have little or no education, no prospect of getting work , in most case the family see the children as a curse from God and hide them from the local community.

As the children cannot communicate with their family they are considered stupid and even sometimes evil due to the terrible tantrums that a deaf child can have due to frustration at not being able to communicate. Parents will try to hide the deaf child as it is often seen that it is a curse and that the sins of the family are coming out in this child.

The Vincentian Lay Missionaires have a house in Ambo's and alot of the Deaf community seem to be gathering there. Fr Stephan a Dublin Priest who works closely with the Irish Deaf community was visiting Ambo's and was taken with the efforts that the Deaf are trying to make that he decide to try are assist them by building a centre for them. This Centre will house classes for the children, a medical advise centre, Skill training , the list is endless.

Phase one of the project is well under way and it is hoped that the school will be complete by the end of September.  The next step will be to equip the school and provide teachers and install the necessary facillities.

Phase two can then began, which is the building of a training centre to help older children and adults.


Education. A Facility offering students sign supported learning & the chance to
complete their education.

Vocational Training An opportunity for young Deaf adults to develop vocational
skills: sewing, woodwork etc.

Social Development: A space to socialize and develop asense of community through activities such drama, dancing etc.

Deaf Awareness: Where parents of Deaf children can be assisted to understand
their child’s needs and abilities. Where the hearing community can better understand the issues effecting Deaf people and help improve access to
services and facilities.

The excitement of the Deaf community in Ambo is huge and no one can thank you enough for helping to support this cause.